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The body is made up of seven chakras known as the energy center. Different gemstones and essential oil blends helps to awaken and balance these essential qualities.

  • Crown Chakra : clear quartz, amethyst, combination of gemstones

  • Third Eye Chakra: amethyst, tourmaline, fluorite

  • Throat Chakra: aquarmine, aventurine, green ammonite

  • Heart Chakra: rose quartz, jade, lavender quartz, green agate

  • Solar Plexus Chakra: African agate, yellow tigereye, citrine

  • Sacral Chakra: orange agate, natural opal, earth tone agate, carnelian

  • Root Chakra - red quartz, black hematite, wood, lava beads, black tigereye

1. Pick your favorite mala beads and essential oils to match the mood you want for the day.

2. Add a few drops of essential oils onto black lava beads.

3. Rub the lava beads across wrist and neck.

4. Experience the magic of scented essential oil mala bead jewelry throughout your day.

5. Pick a mantra, a favorite word, or phrases (Peace, Love, Calm) and silently repeat the mantra as you rub your index finger and thumb across each bead.

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